Contains:  Solar system body or event
ASI678MM first light, TStew

ASI678MM first light

Revision title: 2.5X Powermate, 0.137 arc"/pixel!

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
ASI678MM first light, TStew

ASI678MM first light

Revision title: 2.5X Powermate, 0.137 arc"/pixel!

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Just received the new ASI678MM, perfect timing with clear skies and the best seeing I've ever seen here in Ohio (astrospheric = excellent, transparency = average).

My hopes were for this to be mainly for solar imaging in white light with my 6" achromat and H-alpha with the Lunt 40mm. Its a bit oversampling in H-alpha but my prior 533MM was a bit undersampling. Undecided yet which will be better. Halpha seems a little poorer results than my 533 but I need more time and try better tuning. In white light its performance was really indistinguishable to me compared to the 533, except of course difference in pixel scale. Its a very wide format also which isn't useful in solar. Maybe not perfect but it works well and fairly inexpensive!

If you look at my revision to the right, I've uploaded images of max framing, smaller ROI, adding 2.5x powermate, and finally switching scopes out for the Lunt 40mm H-alpha. 

For these 3 different configurations, the pixel scale should be around:
152mm-1200 =            .34"/px
152mm-1200 +2.5x = .14"/px
Lunt 40mm =              1.03"/px



  • ASI678MM first light, TStew
  • ASI678MM first light, TStew
  • ASI678MM first light, TStew
  • Final
    ASI678MM first light, TStew
  • ASI678MM first light, TStew


Title: ROI of AR3685-3686

Description: No barlow, just ROI and faster FPS around the region of AR3685-3686, 0.34 arc"/pixel

Uploaded: ...


Title: Towards the western limb, AR3674-3683

Description: Towards the western limb, AR3674-3683, no barlow, 0.34 arc"/pixel

Uploaded: ...


Title: 2.5X Powermate, 0.137 arc"/pixel!

Description: Added 2.5X Powermate to push the sampling to 0.137 arc"/pixel (probably a little to much, but its my smallest barlow). AR3685-3686

Uploaded: ...


Title: H-alpha with the Lunt 40mm

Description: H-alpha with the Lunt 40mm. No barlow, 1.03 arc"/pixel

Uploaded: ...


ASI678MM first light, TStew